Orange County Library System Genealogy Events – February 2024

Photo courtesy Orange County Library System
Through their West Oaks Branch and Genealogy Center, the Orange County Library System offers a wide array of genealogy events that we know fans of the History Center would be interested in, so we’re happy to support our valued community partner by giving you this monthly listing.
By the way, the History Center will be at the Family History Fair on February 10. Be sure to stop by our table to say hello and let us answer any questions you might have.
Working on the Railroad
Thursday, February 1, Noon
Do you have an ancestor who worked for the railroads? Join us and learn where to turn to discover information about the railroad, its records, and where you might find them.
Finding Your Roots: Immigration Records
Tuesday, February 6, 1 p.m.
Immigration records are an incredibly rich source of information for the family historian. Learn more about your family’s history by using passenger lists and naturalization records.
Genealogy in the States
Wednesday, February 7, 6:30 p.m.
Explore the rich research resources and collections that are held in a variety of archives and repositories in Virginia. Discover what records are available and how to use them.
Introduction to African American Genealogy Research
Thursday, February 8, Noon
Explore and learn about key internet resources and databases for researching your African American ancestors.
Family History Fair
West Oaks Branch and Genealogy Center
Saturday, February 10, 10 a.m.–Noon
Connect with some of the many resources, societies and organizations available to help with your family history research journey.
Finding Your Roots: Church & Cemetery Records
Tuesday, February 13, 1 p.m.
Discover the types of information contained in church and cemetery records, how to access them and how they can help enhance your family history research.
DNA Case Study
Wednesday, February 14, 6:30 p.m.
See how DNA and the paper trail can intersect to help discover the biological parents of an African American woman adopted in Pennsylvania in the 1920s.
Social Security Records for Genealogy
Thursday, February 15, Noon
The Social Security Act was passed in 1935 and helped to create records for genealogists. Learn how this act impacted your ancestors and what records were created as a result.
Finding Your Roots: Military Records
Tuesday, February 20, 1 p.m.
Military records have been created throughout our history regardless of whether or not there was a war being waged. Learn how military records can help you to uncover information on your ancestors.
Global Genealogy
Wednesday, February 21, 6:30 p.m.
Explore resources, tips and tricks for finding records in the home countries of your ancestors. This session focuses on Ireland.
Exploring the Freedmen’s Bureau Records
Thursday, February 22, Noon
Freedmen’s Bureau Records are a rich source of information for those conducting African American research. Learn how to use these records that are available for free on FamilySearch.
Finding Your Roots: Census Records
West Oaks Branch & Genealogy Center
Friday, February 23, 3 p.m.
Learn about the information contained in each census and discover how to use the various bits of information as clues to further your research.
Finding Your Roots: DNA Testing
Tuesday, February 27, 1 p.m.
Learn the basics of genetic genealogy and how DNA testing can supplement your traditional genealogical research. Explore the different types of tests that are available.
The Paperless Genealogist
Wednesday, February 28, 6:30 p.m.
Feeling bogged down with too much paper from years of genealogical research? Explore options for going paperless and see how digital versions can enhance your research experience.